Do you wish that you could do a better job of showing someone that you care? I don’t just mean in romantic relationships either. I mean in all our relationships. Wouldn’t it be great to learn how to show someone you care so that you were sure that they knew how you felt?
Some of the most precious treasures we have in this life are our relationships with other people. I’ll share with you some things that have done for my friends and loved ones to show them how much I care and give you a huge list of ideas that you can use.
(This post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive compensation at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support! For more information, please see my disclosure.)

What to say to show someone you care?
The first and most obvious way you might think of to show someone you care is to tell them. How do you show someone you care with words? Especially if that person’s love language is words of affirmation, words to show you care can mean a lot. Try a variation of:
- Thank you
- When you did/said ____ it meant a lot to me.
- I value your love/friendship
- You are important to me
- I enjoy our talks
- I feel like I can tell you anything
- You are amazing
- I admire your skill at ____.
- I am thankful that you are in my life.
- You are fun to be around.
- I admire your (good quality).
For More Ideas try: 50 Of the Best Love Quotes for Him
How you show affection to your loved ones?
A family is a wonderful blessing. There are many ways to show your loved ones you care and show them affection. Certain things mean more to different people. There are 5 love languages and most often people have one or two that means the most to them. The 5 love languages are:
- Words of Affirmation
- Quality Time
- Acts of Service
- Gifts
- Physical Touch
Keep these in mind when you are trying to figure out how to show someone you care. Some ideas to show your affection to your loved ones includes:
- Telling them how special they are and what they mean to you
- Spending time with them
- Doing something for them “just because”
- Giving them a small gift “just because”
- Giving them a hug
- Pat on the back
For more ideas: Your Cheat Sheet on Speaking the 5 Love Languages
45 Ways to Make Your Kids Feel Loved With the 5 Love Languages
How do you show someone you care about their feelings?

If your friend or loved one is upset, you may be wondering the best way to show you care. All people want to feel respected and understood. That’s part of the underlying principle of active listening.
- Make time for them
- Listen to everything with the intent to understand
- Don’t offer your own opinion unless asked
- Restate their feelings back to them
- Be there when they need you
How do you show a friend you care about them?
No one can go through this life alone. We all need friends. Your family is pretty much stuck with you, but your friends choose to be in your life. That is priceless! How do you show your friends that you care about them? Try these suggestions!

- Be a good listener
- Avoid arguments
- Keep your word
- Keep in contact
- Send a “just because” card
- Remember important dates
- Acts of Kindness
- Make time for them
- Social media love
- Ask if they need help
- Compliment
- Just b/c gifts
- Watch their kids
- Ask for advice
- Be honest
How do you tell someone you love them without saying the words?
Sometimes you need more than words to let someone know you care. Words are good, but they need actions to back them up. If you are sincere in wanting to show someone you care, it will come through. Sometimes we underestimate the impact of a simple text, call, or just being there and spending quality time with them.
We often think of money as being the main currency of showing someone we love them, but that’s not true. The top 2 love languages are actually words of affirmation and quality time. Some things cannot be bought. Time is also something that we have in limited quantity. How you spend your time, and who you spend it with is a great way to show someone how much you care.
10 Easy Ways To Spend Quality Time With Your Spouse After You Start a Family
How and Why You Should Be Investing Time in your Kids
Gifts to Show Someone You Care
One of the love languages is gifts. Certainly, even if it’s not your main love language (as it is not for me) a little gift here and there is appreciated. For myself, I love surprise gifts. Surprise gifts are a great way to show someone you care because it means that you paid attention to them, thought ahead, and carried out a surprise for no other reason than you love them or care about them.
I have a more extensive guide on how to choose meaningful gifts, but here are a few listed for your convenience.
(Most of these are affiliate links that will take you to Amazon, but Nordgreen is a sponsored link. They reached out to me and sent me a watch, but my opinions are my own. )
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I love all the fancy stuff as much as the next person. But there are some times that I just don’t want to track my steps, or how many calories I’ve burned, or be reminded to move every hour. Sometimes, I want to take the minimalist approach and just wear a classic watch that just tells me the time.
Nordgreen makes beautiful watches. I was thrilled when they reached out to me and learned that not only do they make beautiful quality watches that (pardon the pun) are timeless timepieces but they also practice giving back with every purchase. The best part is – you get to choose what cause you want your purchase to contribute to. Pretty nifty – you get to show you care about someone very special in your life and give back to others at the same time.
Coffee cup
Coffee cups are something that many of us use daily, and odds are we have a favorite. A coffee cup with an inspirational quote or encouraging words is a great way to start the day and serve as a continual reminder to the recipient that they are loved.
Dollar Tree is hands down my favorite place to get helium balloons. They last a surprising amount of time, and they are a cheap, thoughtful cheerful way to tell someone you care.
Flowers for no reason is also a great quick “win.” When my husband surprises me with flowers, I smile every time I see them. It’s especially meaningful if you include a specific reason that you picked out the flowers that you did.
For example, my husband once brought me 3 roses after I had my first son. They were red, pink, and yellow. I was cranky from lack of sleep and was fussing because the yellow rose traditionally means sympathy. Thinking fast, he asked what the red and pink meant. I told him red was true love, and pink was friendship, so what exactly was he trying to tell me with this arrangement?
He replied, “The pink is because you’re my best friend, the red because you are my true love, and the yellow because I sympathize with your lack of sleep!” Husband win. Well, played, my Love, well played.
A blanket is a very sensory thing. They are warm and soft, and the weight of them feels comforting. (There are even weighted blankets for anxiety!) Obviously, it’s not a summertime gift, but it’s great for fall and winter.
Fuzzy socks
Fuzzy socks! Who does not love fuzzy socks? They are also fluffy, warm, soft, and comforting, but on a smaller scale than a blanket. They keep my feet cozy and warm and to me, spell out “cozy day at home” better than anything else. I have gotten them at Dollar Tree before in single pairs. If you are wanting to buy more than one pair at a time, you might check out this pack from Amazon.
A gift card to a fav restaurant
My Aunt rocks with these! Often for special occasions, she will include something homemade in her gift as well as gift cards to one of our favorite restaurants. My husband and I love these because they are not just gifts of food, they are gifts of TIME. We use gift cards on date nights. Giving a gift card is a great way to show you care because it comes with the promise of quality time spent enjoying it.
Reusable Water Bottle
Who does not need to drink more water? I love my reusable water bottle. I like the metal one that’s insulated and dishwasher safe. This is not the one that I currently have, but it is the one that I would love to have. When the cheap plastic water bottles get hot, the water always has a plastic taste to me, (yuck!) Reusable water bottles are also eco-friendly.
Like reusable water bottles, I like a tumbler because it encourages me to drink more and it’s insulated keeping my drink (which is usually water) colder for longer. This is the tumbler that I have. It is one of those gifts that I didn’t know that I needed, but afterward, I don’t know how I lived without it. It keeps water cold for a long time. (Like 8+ hours) This is the cup that you can almost always find sitting on my desk as I am working, with me in the car, or at the gym.

So maybe coffee is not your thing. That’s ok. I also love tea. I got the kids hooked on peppermint tea at a young age. When I get tired of drinking water, it gives me a nice alternative that can be either hot or cold. There are health benefits of drinking green tea, especially. There are many varieties of tea. I rather like trying new ones from time to time.
Bath set
A bath set is always nice. Many people enjoy bath bombs that moisturize skin, or bubble bath that transforms getting clean into a luxurious experience.
Men’s Shave Set
Shaving is a necessary part of most men’s mourning routines. Make your man feel just a bit pampered every morning with this shaving and grooming set. Not only will he smell great, but he’ll be reminded of how much you love him every morning that he trims his whiskers.
Care Package
When I was in college, I remember getting a care package. I was so homesick, just to have someone go out of their way to do something nice for me meant a lot to me. Care packages are quite diverse and can be personalized easily. The one that I received was around finals time and it was a 6 pack of coke, along with a few snacks, held on by pretty ribbons.
Specialty coffee
I am going to make a confession here…. While I love coffee, I can’t drink it black. (Sorry Mom and Dad). Dad used to tease me about my coffee being “soup” when I was in college because I took their coffee, added a packet of hot chocolate, water, and a bit of milk and sugar. (Dad is the one that taught me how to do that, by the way, calling it “poor man’s cappuccino.”)
I love specialty coffee. I love trying all sorts of different ones too. I used to use the flavored creamer as well but gave it up after I started trying to cut back on sugar. Amazon has this really cool variety pack of coffee in all sorts of interesting flavors!
Something for a hobby or interest
One of the best ways to show someone you care is to show an interest in their hobbies or to start a hobby together. Even if it’s a hobby that you have not considered before or something that stretches your comfort zones, the experience can be quite fun when done with someone that you love.
My husband has many hobbies, that I have tried to encourage. Hobbies are very mentally healthy. Something for one of those might be a good “just because” present for him to show him how much I care.
See Also: Benefits of Hobbies that Happy People want you to know + List of 161 Awesome hobbies.
Ingredients for a Meal to Cook Together
Again, this one ties in with quality time. Cooking a meal together can be a very fun way to have an at-home date, or simply spend some time together. It can involve the whole family, or be something you do with just the 2 of you. This would be done combined with a card that tells what the ingredients are for and a “gift certificate” for a date to cook together.
If you have a friend that likes to read, a book can be a great gift to show you care. If they are going through a rough time, an encouraging book can be a very thoughtful gift. The two featured here are my books. But regardless of your interests, there are so many books on so many subjects, that the possibilities are endless. It could also be a book on a hobby that they like or a skill they are trying to learn.
(Hint: enter your email address in the sign-up box at the bottom to get the first 2 chapters of my book free as my gift to you for stopping by. )
Do you know someone that has some great artistic skills? There are 2 favorite works of art in my house, and they are personalized pieces done by the same person. The first one was a gift, and I commissioned the second one because I wanted another matching one. My sons have biblical names and the artwork is a black and white sketch of the Bible open to the book corresponding to their names. If you are blessed with such skills, a personalized craft or painting can be a very meaningful gift to show you care.
The Last Thing You Need to Know About How to Show Someone You Care.
“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Showing someone you care can be incredibly impactful. Showing someone that you care should come from the heart. Think about them and what they like.
When you are trying to figure out how to show someone you care, say it, and then use your actions to back it up. Our words can say a lot, but our actions should back up what our words confess. Try a variety of different ways to show someone you care. Say it, give them a small gift, spend time with them, and/ or do something for them. See which one means the most to them.
Life is too short to not let our loved ones and friends know how much we care about them. What’s your best advice on how to show someone you care? Leave me a comment below!
Updated March 9, 2020
I love your ideas as to how to show someone you care, they are better than mine.
Neljean, thank you for the compliment. I’m glad you liked the ideas. Don’t discredit your own ideas though. Yours might be different than mine, but that does not mean they are bad. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. Celebrate your own strengths. 🙂
What a supportive person, holy crap.
You are amazing jennifer, just wanted to say that kindness like that isn’t seen very often these days 🙂
Thank you so much! You made my day! There are still good supportive people out there; you may have to look, but they are there.